5 Ways you are loosing website traffic because you don’t have a blog

So now you have a website, all your products and services have been uploaded and now you’re waiting for buyers to troop in.
But… Nothing. your website is looking all shiny and brand new, but no visitors.
Imagine setting up your new office, putting all products in place, employ customer representatives to attend to customers,
…but no customers are visiting, this must be really painful, not to mention it feels like a huge loss.
That’s how it feels when no one is visiting your website right.
Well, I’m aware of this pain and that’s why I’m here with this amazing solution.
Today I’ll be speaking about a sure-fire way to increase traffic(visitors) to your website without spending on Ads.
This feature alone can make Google and other search engines become your own affiliate marketer, Interesting right?
Imagine If your website gets at least 100 visitors daily without you having to pay for marketing.
Don’t get me wrong, it is very IMPORTANT to have a marketing budget and pay for Ads, how else can you have a predictable and scalable flow of traffic.
However, what I’m showing you today is a secret that online businesses and entrepreneurs have used to increase traffic on their website systematically without waiting till they have money to pay for Ads.
Don’t anticipate too much, it’s not something you are new to, it’s just that you did not know how effective it is or how to use it to drive traffic.
Did you guess? it’s BLOGGING, yes you heard me right. Your website needs to have a Blog, a regularly updated Blog!
Whether you own an E-commerce store, A coaching platform, you sell physical products or digital products, services or whatever it is your website does. You should have a regularly updated Blog.
Why? Well, read on…
- It helps establish your brand as an authority in your industry: You see one of the reasons why people don’t buy right away are objections; unanswered questions they have.
For example, how do I know the best size to buy? what is the importance of having this product? How do I maintain this product when I buy it etc…These are questions running in the minds of your prospects, and until these questions are answered your prospects will find it difficult to make the purchase.
Like the saying goes; “A confused customer is a customer that will NOT buy”But as a smart business owner that you are, write a blog post about questions that they could be asking, answer it correctly with your professional experience, this will automatically place you as an authority in your industry, In the eyes of your customers and of course clear their doubts. When they decide to buy, they’ll come straight to you.
Make sure to make adequate research on questions your prospects are asking before writing on them. A very effective tool to help you with this is www.answerthepublic.com - Call-to-actions at the end of your articles can convert readers into leads: Now that you have enlightened your prospects, they are satisfied with your tips and answers to their questions, this is the best time to convert the visitor into a lead. A lead is a means of keeping in touch with a prospect, it could be their phone number or email. It’s always best to request emails. But you cannot just say give me your email right? Offer them something for free in return often, these could be things like free ebooks, free whitepapers, free fact sheets, free webinars, free trials … basically, any content asset for which someone would be willing to exchange their information.
With this, you can follow up via email marketing to nudge them to buy what you are selling.
Tip: Make sure what you are offering in return for leads is related to the article they just read.Note: Not every reader of your blog will become a lead. That’s okay. No one converts 100% of the people who read their blog into leads. Just get blogging, put calls-to-action on every blog post - Increase your social media presence: When visitors have read your article and it adds value to them, the next thing they usually would want to do is to share it with their friends and followers. This will go a very long way to increase your website traffic and of course leads, which then convert to massive sales. Like you already know, almost all of your target audience is on social media. This is another awesome way to be in their face without spending on Ads.
Tip: Add social share buttons, before and after your article to make it easy for your readers to share the article with their friends and followers. - The effort you put in yesterday can turn into hundreds of thousands of views and leads in the future: When it comes to blogging, most of your leads will likely come from your older posts.
According to Hubspot(A leading online marketing school and platform) says “about 70% of the traffic each month on their blog comes from posts that weren’t published in the current month“.So this is a matter of compounding results, Unlike WhatsApp or other platforms, where your posts disappear after 24 hrs or go down to the bottom where they can’t be found by new visitors, your Blog articles are evergreen. As far as they answer relevant questions, they will continue to attract new visitors and prospects. - Google will refer more prospects and customers to you: How does this work? let me explain in the easiest to understand terms;When you post an article on the internet and make it available for public viewing, google and other search engines will send their bots(Automated software) to read the article and index it(file it up), then wait for someone to ask any question related to that article. Immediately anyone does, they’ll show them the article in that list, but if the article does not add value, and the reader bounces out of your website and comes back to ask the same question they’ll know the article is not relevant, so it will be pushed down from the top to the bottom.
But If a reader is satisfied by the answer gotten from your posts, then your article is shown to more people looking for the same answers, your posts begin to rank higher in the searches.
So you see, with a well-researched article and topic with relevant keywords, you can make google refer customers to you without necessarily paying for Ads.
These are just some of the importance of having a regularly updated blog on your website and how it can massively increase your sales. Whether you are a small business or an entrepreneur and do not have much money to pay for marketing or you have a big business and spend a lot monthly on marketing every month, A regularly updated Blog can go a long way to double even triple your sales both long term and short term
If you are enlightened now and know that your website needs a blog or you don’t know how to write articles that will rank on search engines, then message me, I have just the perfect solution for you.
Have a wonderful day, see you soon…