Sell More on Social Media with Valuable Contents

Everyday your prospective customers are faced with thousand of tonnes marketing contents from over 85million business profiles on Facebook and Instagram combined, each aiming to leverage the power of these social platforms to achieve one business goal or the other. Now that’s huge competition for your brand whether big or small. Now you might be thinking, what can I do to beat the competition?
In order to beat this competition, you’ve done various things to upgrade your social media game including creating stellar visual contents, made your social media feeds aesthetically appealing, invested a significant part of your budget on sponsored post, yet despite all your efforts your target audiences are not showing interest in your products and services, invariably sales conversion on social media is still low.
What are we not doing right? Why are our customers not coming back? What can we do to build a loyal customer base on our social media platforms? I’m sure these and many more are questions you have asked yourself countless number of times. Well here’s the golden answer.
Make Your Contents Valuable
When you go social with your brand don’t base your post solely on marketing messages, create value with your posts. In fact, according to some experts, contents not related to marketing of your products and offers should make up 80% of your social posts. Spice up your content strategy with valuable contents that your target market want.
So,what makes up a valuable content? Irrespective of the evolution that the social media landscape has gone through since it’s birth, the underpinning reason for it’s creation still stands, people get on social platforms to get informed about various aspects of their lives, entertained and interact with the rest of the world. Therefore, as brand seeking more loyal and engaging customers on social media it’s your utmost responsibility to ensure that your audiences are not starved of these fundamental elements.
Your contents become valuable when your audience perceive them as educative or entertaining. To get started on that, you need to be conversant with topics that your audiences need more knowledge about, social conversion they are into, fun contents that they find relatable.
Educate your audiences about your products and offers, share industry-related tips that interest your audiences, DIY videos, recipe videos, clothing styles inspirations. Curate and share funny contents that your customers can relate with, participate in social media challenges, you could start one for your social community. These and many are examples of things you can do to make your customers loyal to your brand and make them keep coming back.
In a nutshell, a large portion of your social contents should be more focused on information that your target market finds valuable and not solely focused on what you want them to buy from you. Your customers don’t want to be sold to every time, they want to entertained and educated.